Hello my dear and lovely crafty friends! Hope you're doing great today, and I'm sending some good vibes your way on this lovely day. This post might be long and involved... Grab some coffee and let's chat. As I sit down to write this post, so many things are going through my head. Things I want to say, and stuff I want to tell you, things I need to say, and how do I word these things, and what will be the response?.... I'm optimistic that you all will be supportive, because you always are. Over the years, you have become my tribe, my posse, my girl gang. I have gotten to know you all, and you have gotten to know me. We have been through a lot together. Many of you have become my friends. It's been wonderful and uplifting. We have crafted a LOT of things together over the years! Can you believe that I have been blogging for fifteen years this year!!! FIFTEEN! I have been making cards for 30 years this year!!! Gosh, just writing that is weird. Like how did all those years go by? In a blink. I have learned so much and I have been blessed so much by you, and the companies I get to work with. It's been a ride for sure - a good ride! E ticket!
As I've alluded to in recent past posts, last year was really hard for my little family. Lots of things went wrong and it was a test. I was filled with so much anxiety most of last year and much of the time I felt like I was hanging on by that proverbial thread. As God always does, HE brought us through everything and we are going to be fine. We grow most when we are tested and tried. Forged. God shows up in the dark places and that's definitely what has happened to me in the past year. My faith is so strong and I am ready to take on 2024. Renewed and ready to step into my called purpose more. I have been spending a lot of time in prayer and contemplation these past few weeks of the new year. I have been planning and dreaming and deciding what this year will look like, both creatively and generally in life. I want to share some things with you and get your feedback for how A Blog Called Wanda will go forward from here on out!!
My goal on my blog has always been to produce a creative "magazine" of sorts. A web magazine. I have always loved magazines! When I was in 5th grade, my best friend and I actually 'published' a monthly magazine for our friends! My dream was to be a photo journalist when I was a kid. To this day, one of my favorite things to do is to grab a stack of pretty magazines and a coffee, and relax. That is what I try to create for you - a time to relax, a good story, a project, some encouragement, handcrafted things, beautiful photographs. I love to share new products with you and ideas for cards and more! I want you to feel excited to try something new. I was obsessed when Martha Stewart Living Magazine came out and subscribed from day one. Crafts, and collections, and good stories and cooking and all the pretty things. So here on my blog is my magazine for you. It's mostly crafting but I would like to be able to share other topics and things with you more in this new year.
I am so passionate about my blog, and my little crafty corner of the internet. I have poured my heart and soul into every post from day one. I love sharing creativity with people and I also love the interaction and fun we have here. It means so much to me as a creative soul to have my projects out there for people to enjoy and to spark your creativity. I truly believe that making art should be part of everyone's life in some way. Doing this has enriched me beyond what I ever would have thought all those years ago!
Many of you will remember my post nine years ago when I sat down and told you that I was quitting my corporate job to become a full time creative entrepreneur. Man, that was REALLY scary!! It was the biggest leap of faith ever for this self described control freak and no-risk girl. Since then, I have been making a living through my photography, and creativity. (If you didn't know, I do the product/web/catalog photography for many of your favorite crafting companies!) I also make my living from affiliate shopping links on crafting products, Amazon and now Target. The ways that I used to make a living allowed me to be able to share my blog content with you and spend the time doing so. However, lots of those opportunities are changing or are gone altogether over the past nine years, which means that I need to adapt and pivot.
Here's where I need to get your input, advice and support going forward. I need to find out from my regular readers and subscribers if my content has enough value to you that you would be willing to be more active in making sure it happens. The best way I can put it is that I'm spending many many hours creating content here for almost zero financial payback. I have come to the conclusion that I don't think I can spend this amount of time anymore with no financial gain, so I am faced with the decision to either stop blogging full time, and go back to 'traditional' work, or to ask you for some help - and continue to create here with you the same as always. I know what my choice is because I absolutely LOVE doing this! But, I am at peace with whatever happens going forward. I've turned it over to God completely and my answer will be made clear - I know that. My hope is that we will figure it out together and keep creating together for a long time. I don't know if it's time to slow down, or keep going full ahead. I will always be loyal to The Greetery and the other companies that I blog for regularly and keep working with them!! I hope all this makes sense.
Like many of us in my generation, I didn't grow up valuing myself and my contributions. I wasn't really taught to value my God given gifts or to ask for anything. Be seen and not heard, especially for girls! I know I'm not the only one. In my age and wisdom, I now realize that we are all so dang amazing really. And our voices, talents and contributions are also amazing. And it's okay to ask for help and it's okay to know your worth and it's okay to put yourself out there. Today I'm putting it out there to you! You know me by now, and I'm always going to keep it real. It's always a good idea to reassess and re-evaluate, and it just felt like now is the time to do that.
Here's what I would like to propose... I would like to ask you to consider helping financially to keep the lights on here at A Blog Called Wanda every month going forward. There are lots of easy ways to do this. I'll outline them at the end of this post. We all pay for many different things each month without even thinking about it. Iphone apps, news and website subscriptions, entertainment, books and magazines, coffees, tv channels.... And most of the time, those companies don't even care about your contribution. Here, though, I really care, and each time you help me, it makes a huge difference. You help me achieve my dreams. I don't think I would ever make the move to being a subscription site, and I'm not proposing anything formal like that. I wanted to reach out to you first, and see how it goes from here - If you would be interested and/or willing to contribute for my content. Thank you for everything you already do to give me support - it is so appreciated!
Right now I am spending a lot of time hustling for more one-off, small jobs. If I don't have to do that I will have more time for making content here for you, and trying new things... With your help, I want to do more for you here! Some of my brainstorming ideas of things I want to do are: More detailed instruction, more tips, and more step out photos. Even more projects! I could send out cards that are featured here. I can post about other lifestyle topics, and put together Prizes and giveaways! I feel like it would be a win/win! (Or other suggestions you have on what you'd like to see.) This is our space, not just mine.
Thank you for reading this far - truly - you are the best. Thank you for everything over the years here. You guys uplift me all the time with your notes, comments, emails, and the beautiful cards and letters you send me. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity - no matter what happens going forward. It's been an absolute pleasure all these years to create for you and encourage you to create too. A complete blessing. It was very hard for me to write this, but I just feel like I need to put it out there in an honest way so we can have the conversation. All this being said, I have about ten projects to share before Valentine's Day - I've been so busy crafting! I look forward to your feedback here - Thank You!