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I have been to Yosemite but not Yellowstone - It is on my husband's and my bucket list! Thank you for sharing the photos! So awesome!

Breathtaking!!! Your photos bring Yosemite right to me. You’re talent is so inspiring!

Awesome pics Wanda! I love Yosemite too. I am from Cal grew up there and lived there until I was 30 we live in Maine now. We used to travel up there a lot as I grew up singing a "The Other Day I met a Bear" song as my Dad dove. We stayed at the Swiss Chalet. Such great memories, one is of me almost falling down Bridal Vail falls but the man behind me caught my sweater and saved my life. My Dad is still friends with him. I recently painted Yosemite because I love it so much. My husband and I used to camp up there and at Convict Lake it's on the way to Yosemite if you go through I think it was called Bishop the little town. Thank you for sharing this you made my morning happier!

What a beautiful place to visit... A little far from NJ though! Wonde ful & colorful photos-- great job!!

WOW! These photos are spectacular. Yosemite is also Doug's favorite place on earth, his family went there every summer. We have been there several times together and I have been to the Great Yosemite Stamp Escape a few times.
Your photography is the best ever, you are so talented.
P.S. The hubs is quite handsome!!!

BEAUTIFUL WORK, Wanda! Some of these would make WONDERFUL PAINTINGS! SO GLAD you shared with us! THANK YOU!!! ;)

What a glorious day, must have been had. Wonderful pics with phone!

You are a brilliant photographer! Love seeing these! No, I have never visited Yosemite. It's on my bucket list. Have you ever been to Niagara Falls? That's another one of those stunning sights. And the enormous whirlpool there is amazing as well. TFS -
Lori S in PA

Wanda! Awesome photos!
Thank you so much for sharing your experience!
So happy you are able to get out and enjoy what life has to offer.
Again, thank you for sharing.
Take care.

Thank you for sharing and describing all your beautiful photos! Phone cameras are darn good, I've started using mine more than my heavier equipment, too. Yosemite is a National Park that I look forward to visiting, some day.

I could look at your photography for hours! 😊. Love the beautiful scenes you captured.

Wanda, thank-you for sharing your pictures and Video of your trip! It is so a beautiful!

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