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« Meet Me at the Pumpkin Patch - Fall Sweater Card! | Main | Halloween Tiny Town Cross Stitch! »



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Hi Wanda, I have been following you for many years now and I just wanted to pop in to say that I am absolutely loving everything you are doing lately. Knocking it out of the park friend!
Thanks for all you do and for sharing your creativity with us :)

HOW ADORABLE is your card of the little town! EEEK! It reminds me of when we'd all go down town to look at the displays in the store front windows & view the lights! THOSE were the days! Too short lived in my opinion! GREAT WORK, Wanda!!! ;)

Over the Roof Tops is the winner today!! Love all the details and what wonderful colors... our weather is changing here too. Some color in the trees already even though we have been in the 80's for the past three days. Love me some FALL hugs&TFS

On the Over the Rooftops card which is absolutely so lovely what adhesive do you use to assemble it so perfectly especially the tiny pieces?

Hi Wanda! Wonderful cards and great inspiration, thank you. I am in Halloween mode right now but THINKING about holiday cards. :)

WOW AGAIN WANDA! I love your cards today! I love the Over The Roof top card! The detail!!!!!!! I have just started my Christmas cards....this weekend I shall continue!!!! Have a wonderful day my friend!

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