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« Let's kick off Christmas 2022 - Projects from the Honey Bee Make it Merry Collection! | Main | Doodlebug - Candy Cane Lane Collection - Mitten Ornament Gift Card Holders! »



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Wowza! Gorgeous projects! Love the detail on each!

Oh boy you are feeling the holiday season for sure! The set from TE is really gorgeous. That gold glitter just shines so nicely. Love the tags, although I don't make them for gifts. These would look adorable on cards too! Loving that gorgeous mug...peppermint whipped goodness. Lovely post...xoxo

EXCELLENT JOB, Wanda! I LOVE your card with the GLITTERY paste you used & the colors on the Kraft! NICE TOUCH!!! Your little tags are SO CUTE! I will SOON start those.... I'm a bit behind. LOL AND, Your cup of Peppermint Mocha, SIGH! LOOOVE! I can taste it! LOL I am currently working on my Christmas Cards! I JUST finished sewing up a pair of flannel PJ pants for our son for Christmas--- BATMAN! That was fun, as I haven't pulled out the sewing machine for awhile! STAY WARM & COZY there! It's been COLD HERE! HUGS DEAR FRIEND!!! ;)<3

Oh have created such cute tags! You add such wonderful details which are amazing...
I always take my time to scroll at all the pictures you provide sooo I do not miss a thing!
I love the look of that mug with the W and the winter mug embossed on it! Have a wonderful day and enjoy this day!!!!

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