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Wanda, what a beautiful tribute to the Queen. She was an amazing lady. You are so talented! Thank-you for sharing today!

I really enjoyed reading this post while drinking tea from my Starbucks England mug. I purchased the mug near the Tower of London in October 2019. As a fellow Anglophile and cross stitcher, I love your project so much. I do want to encourage you to travel to England. Fall is lovely there, and you'll see ER on every red post box! My own family hails from a little town named Wooton Under Edge in the Cotswolds, but I still need to visit there. I think you'd love Bath, Oxford and Dover Castle. All three places were close to London by train. Stonehenge was a quick bus ride from Bath and far exceeded expectations! I will miss the Queen, but her memory lives on.

What a lovely tribute. I think she is such an amazing woman and have always admired her and her love for country. Hope things will stay much as she left them, however, who knows whats next. I did cross stitching for many years and moved on to quilting, and now cards. Love that adorable crown from your table and the pearls are too appropriate. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing your witch too! Hugs

This is such a nice post, Wanda! I don't do Counted Cross Stitch, but embroidery in general I have tried. I have been following the royals some. I too watched the weddings & a few YouTube Video's of what has been going on. It really is a sad time for England. Your stitching is BEAUTIFUL! SO ELEGANT! AND yes, you have staged your photos PERFECTLY! A BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTE to the Queen!!! HUGS DEAR FRIEND! ;)<3

Your tribute to HRM is lovely and your stitching is impeccable. I have enjoyed watching the royal family over the years. I am also a cross stitcher too. I look forward to your fun witch cross stitch. Thank you for your inspiration, dear Wanda.

What a wonderful thing for you to do, Wanda! You do such beautiful work!
She would have been impressed, for sure!
Bless your heart.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful tribute.

Wanda this is a lovely make and a beautiful tribute. I share many of your feelings about the Queen. Art is a wonderful way to process grief. Thank you for sharing

Wanda- what a beautiful post and very lovely handiwork! My DNA too shows I am 90% Scottish/ English. Deep roots in the UK. Lifelong fan of the Queen. What a woman! Her faith, her quiet dignity and her loyalty. Not all want a monarchy - not mine to speak to. I just admired the Queen as a person. Thank you for sharing!!

Hi Wanda

I have been following your blog since just before last Christmas, you have given me so many ideas.

Your blog today of the memorial cross stitch is a fabulous reminder of HMTQ and I love the way you have staged it.

I have had Covid for the last two weeks, which has been horrible, however, it has allowed me to watch all the pomp and ceremony following HMTQ's passing. I have learnt so much. I am also truly grateful HMKC has allowed the television cameras into so many areas of this period of mourning, which none of us have seen before. I too have only ever known Queen Elizabeth, so it is a big change for us all.

Take care and please keep sharing your ideas.

Jackie (Warwickshire UK)

Hello Wanda,
What a lovely tribute to a great lady. You gave her something that is only yours to give, a piece of your heart. If only we had more people in the world in our own country like her. I'm trying hard to think of anyone else that can be described in such a way. With all the division in our country, it seems as if some love the rhetoric more than they love our country. We've lost our way. Thankfully, God is in control ! I used to do counted thread cross stich as well as those sweet little iron on embroidery pillowcases and kitchen towels etc. All of your handiwork is so well made and inspiring. Have a great week Wanda, give Lucky an extra kiss. IrissavedbyGrace

I so enjoy reading your posts Wanda. You have a welcoming style that pulls a reader right into your world. Your warm exuberance feels like I am there in your home as you offer a cup of tea and motion to the cozy chair to pull up and sit awhile as we chat.

Your cross stitch piece is a beautiful tribute to such a lovely Queen. We mourn here in the US with the world.

I love how you stage your photos and the thoughtfulness you put into each post speaks volumes of your unique and delightful creativity.

Here’s wishing you a lovely day!
~ Sharon

Beautiful and loving tribute to a woman who affected so many. I used to follow the royals much more closely than I do now. Still, I was very saddened to learn of the Queen's passing. I think it's beautiful that you made this beautiful cross stitch project in her memory. You have a beautiful soul, Wanda. I am a cross stitcher as well. Have been since the 80s, let it go in more recent years and just picked it up again after Nichol Spohr started sharing her Flosstube videos. Big fan! I have so many finishes that I need to fully finish. :) Thank you for sharing, Wanda. Have a lovely week.

So beautiful!

I always enjoy reading your blog posts and love your beautiful tribute to the Queen! I am a cross stitcher too. Back when my eyes were a bit better I was into making samplers - replicas of vintage samplers! They all spoke to me. I look forward to your Halloween witch! I still do a little stitching just have to pull out my glasses and use a bigger thread count! 😉

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