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So bright and cheery! Yellow is my favorite. I am loving all the stencils out there. My week has flown by and our project is finally done. I have a new awning over my back door. Garden is going crazy so I need to get out there!

This DOES FEEL Vintage with the cream card background & your gingham, Wanda! I have a Lemon Set on my desk at this moment & I THINK you've INSPIRED ME to use it today! LOL YES, to the Lemon Meringue too! Mmmmm! ;) Question: What kind of ink did you use??? I heard this morning on the news, Alaska had SNOW!!! I think it will be an EARLY FALL/WINTER! ;) Just my guess! HUGS DEAR FRIEND!!! And YES, to Christine too, "You're SOOO GOOD!" ;)<3

Wanda- this is perfect for the end of summer! I love about a month of summer and summer colors but then that’s enough! So glad you found cooler weather and the sea is critical! Such a pretty card!

WOW...AGAIN! You are sooo good Wanda! I know I keep saying that, but really. Your shading and the placement of the leaves is really nice! I love how you used the cream paper instead of the really softens it! LOVE the gold embossing! YOU ROCK!
Glad to hear you got away to the water...good for the soul and for creativity!

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