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This is so amazing... love all that fun stuff in there. I thought it would be hard to make, but it doesn't sound too bad. I think the next one coming would be really sweet. Nicely done! Glad you enjoyed the 4th. Things were quiet here and it stormed so we didn't see much of the fireworks. Maybe next year

This is so cute!! I like it.

Wanda, this is SO ADORABLE! I like the little KITTY, the vacuum cleaner, mail box & telephone in this little scene too! SO ADORABLE! I'm SURE it looks LOVELY on your entry table! ;) SUCH A NICE WELCOMING PIECE! HUGS DEAR FRIEND!!! ;)<3

Super duper adorable! I bet your home is so charming with all the lovelies you make! Can’ t wait to see the new collection too- anything seaside is my fav! Have a wonderful week Wanda!!

Oh my word....another cute shadow box Wanda! I love it! You don't know how many times I have looked at this and thought, girl...I need to make one!!!!!

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