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Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos. I’m only “viewing “ things from inside an air conditioned house. Thank goodness my craft room is air conditioned too.

Hi Wanda,
they are amazing and so big ! All the photographs you have shared with us are so beautiful. Hoping we get the summer too soon, still wet and fleecy on here :/

My sister used to live there in Sacto she called it. I am from Cal too. I grew up in Glendora and San Marino. My sister did her internship in Sacto. I remember the park but not the flowers.. I love your pictures they are beautiful. The flowers would be fun to paint.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful flowers.

Lovely pix. Looks like a popular photography destination in Sacramento. The pic w/the other people in it really showed the size of these plants. You're right; they're huge.

Your pictures are exquisite! Never seen such gorgeous flowers and those leaves are ginormous! Tanks for sharing!

So beautiful, Wanda! And your photos are just as gorgeous! Thanks for sharing! I really hope that your weather gets better. Those are hot Texas temperatures that we're used to, but you guys aren't. Stay safe!

HOW ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS, Wanda! I LOOOVE these photos! It is REALLY STUNNING with what you've said & shown us with their size! WONDERFUL JOB in capturing them! The colors are MAGNIFICENT! ;) Oh, & say a prayer for me???? I'm singing July 4th at church! I'm SO EXCITED! ;)<3

These are just amazing! Hope you are framing some of these! Your photography is awesome! Thanks for sharing!

So very breathtaking... the photos are wonderful and to see them in person would be heaven. Lovely spot and I can see why people flock to them. Glad you had some fun on a very hot day! Thanks so much for sharing these.

Stunning! Had no idea these were here! Love God’s creativity in nature … thanks for sharing these! Miss you my friend! Janice

Spectacular photos! The Sacred Water Lotus are stunning. Thank you for sharing their beauty with us ❤️

Wow!!! I lived very close to there and never knew about these!! 😅 Thank you so much for sharing!

These are beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing this with us! Love your blog!!

Thanks so much for sharing this beauty! And I had no idea you’re so tall! Lucky! I’m 5’3” and shrinking. Have a wonderful week😊

How do you find stamp companies? I've never heard of the Jaded Blossom company. Maybe they found you!
Your photos are wonderful! Thanks for posting them.

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