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« Fun with Photoplay Stamps for Fall and Halloween! | Main | Sharing my Halloween Decorations! »



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How charming your
card is! So cute.
Carla from Utah

WOW this is super cute! Looks like I need to spend some time at Lawn Fawn... love all the fun paper and stickers. Great Job!

This card is super cute. So much to see. Great paper fabulous colors.

Wanda, this is SO CUTE! I don't get into the Halloween things, but this is SO CUTE, with the little interactive shutter! A SUPER JOB!!! AND IN CASE I FORGET, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" in advance!!! HOPE your day is EVERYTHING you hope!!! Yes, that means cake & ice cream!!! AND EVERYTHING NICE!!! ;)<3

So very cute, Wanda! I have stacks and stacks of amazing, hoarded patterned paper... and I just counted up my card recipients for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm in trouble! 72 cards to make (I have a big family!) You've inspired me to do papers, dies and stickers! Happy fall, my friend!

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