*** ANNOUNCEMENT: THE WINNER OF MY PHOTO PLAY PAPER GIVEAWAY IS CARLA H! She has been emailed! Thank you for all the comments!!
Hi friends!!! Today I'm not sharing a card! I am sharing something I made (farther down in the post) and some other fun Halloween stuff! The other day in my blog post I mentioned that I had decorated the house for Halloween... Then I thought - why don't I share that? I love seeing other peoples' decorations and home decor, so maybe you guys would like to see mine! I don't have tons of Halloween things - just a good collection I've gathered over the years of things that made me smile along the way. I love anything that looks sort of vintage or old. It's so retro and brings back good memories.... I also really love a good garland... What is your style? Do you decorate for Halloween? Are you feeling the spooky spirit this month? I'm trying hard to keep things festive and light hearted around here, what with this crazy year and all.
This first set of photos is our entryway table.... It's right when you come in the front door, and in the center of our house. So we walk by it all the time. I love it. It has a black marble top and the drawers are painted. It holds all our napkins and table linens and runners in it, since the dining room is right around the corner. I decorate here every season, usually with my tiered tray. (I LOOOOOVE tiered trays!!). Behind the table on the wall is a gold bamboo mirror. So we can check ourselves before going out the door. It's classic and simple. The wall is painted a light shade of hunter green...
The next photos are just close ups of some of the pieces!
This festive garland is from My Mind's Eye and I bought it at a craft store several years ago. It's literally thread....so I have to be super careful putting it away!! I have a piece of cardboard to wrap it around.
This fun garland hangs in our formal living room! (or my husband's Covid office).... I made it! I found these fun, flat, wooden ornaments when we were out shopping one time. I have this giant antique spool of black and white twine I found at a thrift market. I got an idea! So I ordered the mini honeycomb balls from Oh Happy Day Party Shop. I got a package of black and a package of orange ones to intersperse with the ornaments! I used liquid glue and glued the honeycomb balls onto the twine. Then I used my jewelry pliers to wrap the metal pieces at the top of the ornaments around the twine. It's all staying put so far!! It makes me happy.
So there's a little piece of my world and my home to share with you!! I hope I made you happy with my silly decorations. Cuz Halloween is all about being light and silly!! Wishing you a wonderful day! See you soon with more crafts!! XOXO
Love your cute, vintage decorations. It’s so nice to hear how your thoughts came together to make your sweet displays. They make me happy! I really enjoy seeing what other designers come up with when decorating their homes. Thanks so much for sharing!
Posted by: Judy Fagotti | 10/23/2020 at 09:38 AM
Fabulous decorations for Halloween Wanda. We don't do that here anymore but when the neighbours kids were younger we had a bucket of sweets ready for we didn't want the house decorated in eggs and flower Lol x
Posted by: Maria Alder | 10/22/2020 at 01:07 PM
It is all absolutely wonderful! I especially love the big stuffed doll and the two stuffed pumpkins on the tiered tray!
Posted by: Sherri in Phoenix | 10/22/2020 at 11:37 AM
Wanda, your Halloween decorations are great! I love those wooden ornaments! Great Stuff! Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Connie | 10/22/2020 at 10:04 AM
Your entryway is so festive... I love those wooden ornaments. The standup pieces are so very New Orleansish...I have two cousins that made puppets and traveled in Europe doing puppet shows, these really remind me of their puppets. Glorious display and you filled up your tiered tray perfectly. Congrats to Carla and thank you for spreading the wealth with your goodies from Photoplay!
Posted by: Anne Sturgeon | 10/22/2020 at 09:41 AM
NICELY DONE, Wanda!!! I like VINTAGE most of all for ALL SEASONS! AND I also like YOUR garland THE BEST!!! I also, like you, like those tiered containers! I have one right next to my desk for some of my crafting goodies! ;) I usually decorate for fall, but just haven't done it in a while. So busy doing other things! LOL
Posted by: Becky Green | 10/22/2020 at 08:45 AM
Your Halloween Decorations definitely brought a smile to my face And I love the idea of an entry way table with decor that changes for the season or holiday.
Posted by: Linda S. | 10/22/2020 at 07:53 AM
Love your Halloween decorations. Your retro pumpkin is too cute.
It is all a great festive look.
Posted by: Geneva | 10/22/2020 at 07:11 AM
I love your entry way decorations and the garland too, those pumpkins sporting a mustache definitely started my day with a smile! Thank you for sharing Wanda and for sharing some of your Photoplay goodies. Congratulations to Carla! 🧡🍁
Posted by: Stephanie Clapper | 10/22/2020 at 05:34 AM
Adorable! I love all of your Halloween stuff, a great eclectic mix, yet everything works so well together. I love seeing other people's homes and decorations too, so please show more whenever you can.
Posted by: Kim F | 10/22/2020 at 05:17 AM
Love it all, inspired to do something here. Your honeycomb garland is magnificent!!!
Posted by: Donna M. | 10/22/2020 at 04:57 AM
I love ALL your Halloween crafts...I love vintage Halloweeny stuff too!
Posted by: LeAnne Pugliese | 10/22/2020 at 04:35 AM