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Wow ...what a beautiful trip. I am a amazed at the beauty God has given us. Thank you for sharing these really amazing pictures.

Hi Wanda! I’ve lived in Arizona since I was a kid and we moved here from buffalo New York, quite the change in climate, lol! I’m so glad that you took the time to sightsee and enjoy one of the most beautiful places in the world. I remember when my parents took us to that church when I was about ten years old, it’s not something that you ever forget.
I also wanted to take a moment to thank you for your amazing inspiration. All of your cards always inspire me and your designs are just so amazing, I don’t know how you manage to come up with multiple designs that are just so,perfect. I can understand why multiple companies reach out to you to design with their products, you’re amazing! Thanks for all you do!

Your photos are looking at National Geographic...
This is a place I would like to visit. Thanks fir sharing with us.

You captured Sedona beautifully in your pictures Wanda, thank you so much for sharing them! We were there last year and saw that jaw-dropping beauty. Doesn't it just change you thinking about how God created that landscape? It is so magnificent.

Oh, thank you for sharing your beautiful trip. I imagine that you have all kinds of ideas floating around in your head. I would like to say that I would be happy to go with you on your next trip. You don't know me but I am lots of fun and really admire your art!

Glad you enjoyed your visit to AZ! There is so much to see and do here and you came at a perfect time! Hopefully you can come back and stay longer at some point!

Love all your amazing pictures, thanks for sharing. Stopped by Instagram to check out the rest!

Thanks for sharing Wanda! Your photography is breathtaking! I have been to AZ several times and now wish I had taken time as you did to explore. Glad your trip was so enjoyable and worthwhile!

Love your pictures! I have been to Sedona with my hubby and loved it, too. So much to see and do. Glad you had a great trip.

Thank you for sharing these AMAZING pictures!!! I only got to "see" Sedona one time, and that was when we were on our way to the Grand Canyon, and then it was only in a small park to have a picnic lunch!!! There was sooooooo much here we missed, but your pictures showed us how beautiful this place really is!!!!

Absolutely stunning! I hope to make it there sometime.

Glad you enjoyed your trip . Beautiful photos. You never know, you may just find yourself living in Arizona one day! Never thought I would leave the midwest for the desert. But it is beautiful here in Arizona.

Gorgeous photography Wanda!! Thank you for taking us all along on your wonderful trip.

Thanks so much for the great pictures. Breathtaking indeed. Wow!

How lucky are you Wanda to have the opportunity to get to see all these beautiful places and the red rocks are something amazing, never seen anything like it myself. Well, not yet anyway. If I won the lottery then I would be travelling the world and Arizona would be one of the places on my bucket list. Thank you for showing us your amazing photos !
Has a week away myself to Austria, as living in the UK not so far to go. We love the mountains, snow and good food. Not have to cook and clean for a week is also very nice Lol
Looking forward to see your cards again. Happy new year to you and your family x

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