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These could not be sweeter. Wish I was closer. This event sounds like such fun. My family has started trying to get together once a month or so to try and do some catch up on what's happening in our lives. Mostly my three sisters and as many nieces as are available. These would make really cute favors. I am going to check it out. Loved hearing about the conference and I adore your yellow flowers!! Have a great weekend.

Never thought about making pinwheels, yours are too cute. This paper pack is awesome. Beautiful flowers. Your enthusiasm for the PlannerCon comes through the page,makes me feel excited just reading your Blog.

Darling pinwheels! Love the colors! Thanks for sharing about the conference too. Julie

Your pinwheels are adorable. I always say I'm going to use a planner but, I start and then stop. I guess I don't have enough things going on to use one. But they are always so pretty! :)

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