Hello my dear blogging friends! Today I'm celebrating my EIGHT YEAR BLOGAVERSARY! Wowza! Every year when I do my end-of-the-year wrap up post I can't even believe that another year of fun and creativity and crafting has passed! This year went by especially fast! I look forward to writing this post each December, and sharing with you my favorite projects from the past year. CLICK HERE to read my wrap up from 2016! This year end post helps me wrap up the year and reflect on my creative journey. I feel like I grow in new ways each year, both as a person and as an artist. Having my blog is a lot like having a diary or a journal and it's really cool to look back at eight years' worth of cards and projects all in one place! I am so grateful to have this place to share with the world and with you my creative supporters and friends. Thank you for being part of it all with me! It wouldn't be the same without the interaction from you, and all the friends I have made through the years. You bless me all the time with your kindness and love.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! And, Happy New Year 2018! Be sure to check back here on New Year's day because It's the Season's Givings Blog Hop day! All of the bloggers in the hop are giving away prizes! TONS and TONS of prizes! It is always really fun! You don't want to miss it, I promise!
2017 was a very busy year. I had some really great crafting opportunities, and my photography business kept me busy in addition to stamping and designing. It was also a hard year for me. Not bad, just hard. Lots of trials and growth this year. I went through a lot this year and it forced me to deal with some very deep things that I've not wanted to deal with. That being said, I can 100% say that I am emerging here at the end of the year a stronger and more confident person. More sure of my place in this world. More sure of my identity in Christ and less dependent on the opinions of others. I'm only 53 years old and I finally figured that out (laughs at herself). In all seriousness, there was a lot of quiet time with God this year and HE has changed me, sharpened me, refined me, with HIS ultimate wisdom and love. I've spent a great deal of time at home this year, becoming closer to my husband and my few very dearest friends. Blessings to be sure. I don't ever want people to think that my life is picture perfect or amazing all the time. It isn't. I am always grateful, though, no matter what is happening. That is my choice in life and it's one of the ways I honor God. Life is hard. For all of us. Grace is AMAZING and we should dole it out often and in abundance. Especially to ourselves. I'm a bit anxious and excited to go forward into the new year as this 'new' me. Maybe a bit hesitant, too. But I know I'll be fine. That is the promise. My family is doing well and we are happy and healthy, and that is what really matters.
Here's what I wrote last year: "My word for 2017 is BRAVE. Brave enough to be myself without the fear of the judgement of others. How powerful is this concept? I am a work in progress... Free to be my authentic self, the real me. The ability to say how I feel, find my passion, stand up for the things that matter, don't settle, don't apologize.... That, to me, is bravery."
Reading this now, a year later, I'm like whoa! That was SPOT on. I tried to be brave this year. There were a LOT of tears this year. Buckets of tears. But in our darkest places we find out how strong and brave we can be, right? (Every time I hear that song Be Brave - I cry! OMG I love that song) CLICK HERE to see the video!
My word for 2018 is TRUTH. There is only one truth and it is solid, stable and unchanging. My identity is anchored to the truth of who I am to God. Lack of being anchored in the truth causes us to rise and fall with circumstances. The truth keeps us from drifting afloat. Gives us hope. The other facet of this is that I often don't want to SEE the truth as it is put before me. I want to always believe the best in people and situations, and that gets me hurt. Truth is a more realistic way of navigating this harsh world... So TRUTH has two meanings for me. I've already started using this in my journaling and planning for 2018.
Do you choose focus words or resolutions for the new year? I'd love to hear! Leave me a comment about your hopes for the new year!
Something I love to do here on the blog at the end of the year, is to take a look back on my creative journey from the year before! This annual post is kind of like a cyber scrapbook! Thank you for joining along with me in 2017! We had some good times! My blog is my journal, and here I keep a record of my statistical progress. So, on that note, here are some fun stats from the year. Here at the end of 2017... I have now written 1262 blog posts in 8 years, received 32,915 lovely comments, and...drum roll...I hit the one million unique visitors landmark! That happened back in February! The company that I was using to track the visitors and blog hits went out of business...and one day I no longer had access to that information! Bummer... I am very happy that I can say that one million people have come to visit A Blog Called Wanda! Thank you!
Five years ago, I started the tradition of recapping my favorite projects from the past year. I get so much nice feedback about this! Here are my favorites from 2017... There are a lot! So grab a cup of coffee or tea, and settle in! I hope you enjoy the look back with me!
To see more information about each project,
please click on the the individual photos!
I appreciate all of you so much, all of your love and kindness and support!
I wish you the very best year ever! Cheers to 2018!
I am stopping by from your Seasons Givings blog post! I LOVE your style!!! Such fun. Love the bright colors! Amazing artistry! HAPPY nEW yEAR!
Posted by: Angela B | 01/03/2018 at 04:56 PM
Happy 2018! Your cards are wonderful, and I sure enjoy the creativity you share on your blog and the inspiration I get here :)
Posted by: renee milner | 01/03/2018 at 07:55 AM
Your blog recap was absolutely inspiring. Such vibrant colors! Can't wait to see what you'll make this year!
Posted by: Betty Chen | 01/01/2018 at 08:38 PM
So many cute cards! Thank you for the year in review!
Posted by: Barbara | 01/01/2018 at 01:20 PM
Happy "anniversary" !
What a great overview of your projects !
My favourite card is the "love you more each day" one.
Thank you for sharing !
Posted by: Lieve S | 01/01/2018 at 12:29 PM
Have a blessed 2018. I make themed cards each month for all my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, so I will begin that process this week. I am always looking at new techniques to try, and have not decided on my 2018 one yet, but am leaning toward heat embossing.
Posted by: Lynn | 01/01/2018 at 11:29 AM
Happy new year from Sweden! We're expecting this year, so a lot of baby documenting and annuncing is in the planning :)
Posted by: Ms Scrapmess | 01/01/2018 at 09:51 AM
I love your style! You always inspire me. Wishing you a fantastic New Year! Cannot wait to see what you have in store for us in 2018!
Posted by: Sherri | 12/30/2017 at 10:07 AM
Happy New Year Wanda! I look forward to seeing what amazing creations you bring us in 2018!
Posted by: Lizzie T | 12/30/2017 at 06:29 AM
I just love you Wanda! Your words, your artwork, your faith and attitude, your kindness, and your sincerity. Getting to work with you in 2017 has been a highlight for me!
Posted by: Melissa Phillips | 12/29/2017 at 06:05 PM
Happy Blogaversary and Happy New Year to you, Wanda! I'm such a fan of your work and I'm looking forward to seeing what you create in 2018!
Posted by: donna mikasa | 12/29/2017 at 08:56 AM
Wanda, I enjoy your blog and your fabulous work! You are so amazing and you inspire me more than you will ever know! I wish you a wonderful 2018! So happy you are feeling strong and brave! I need to follow your lead. May God continue to bless you each day! Lot of love! XX, Claire
Posted by: Claire Broadwater | 12/28/2017 at 04:13 PM
Looking forward to 2018 and your art!
Posted by: Rosa M. Vasquez | 12/28/2017 at 11:49 AM
Wonderful and Amazing designs cards, crafts really liked your way of thinking your designs. Really liked your cards. Wish you a wonderful 2018 ahead.
Posted by: Glucorade | 12/28/2017 at 01:57 AM
Great recap Wanda! I just love your style and congrats on 8 years of blogging. I will be on the lookout for you at CHA/Creativation or whatever they are calling it now! LOL
Posted by: Melissa Cash | 12/27/2017 at 09:01 PM
I had noticed your blog before but became a regular reader in 2017. Your attitude, joy in life's adventures and photos attracted after admiring the talent shown in your beautiful cards! My favorite card of yours is the llama! I bought washi llama tape today. For many years due to my mom's influence I always worried about pleasing others or what they thought. As a Christ follower I prefer now to be concerned as to what he thinks of me instead! And he loves me, desiring the best for me, sending me little tests to grow my trust in Him. Happy 2018!
Posted by: Vikki H | 12/27/2017 at 06:11 PM
Amazing year, Wanda. There is something about being in our 50's that makes us Brave. Thanks for sharing all you artwork, again. You are truly an inspiration. God Bless you with another fulfilling year.
Posted by: Joan Vancourt | 12/27/2017 at 05:34 PM
You are so inspiring. Love your creativity and your wonderful attitude. Enjoy your years wrap up and wish you happiness in both your personal and business lives. Happy New Year 2018.
Posted by: Anne Sturgeon | 12/27/2017 at 03:49 PM
What a busy year you have had. Thank you for all your inspiration and here is to an even BETTER 2018! I LOVE your work!!
Posted by: Nora | 12/27/2017 at 01:39 PM
Glad you were brave! Lovely cards!
Posted by: Susan E Guzy | 12/27/2017 at 11:30 AM
I love your art and blog! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. Mark's comment is such a testament to what a beautiful woman you are, inside and out! I feel like 2017 has been a hard year for me as well. But I also feel like I have made huge strides and so much of that has to do with my relationship with Jesus! I am so encouraged by you. Here's to a great 2018!
Posted by: Natalie Winterstein | 12/27/2017 at 10:24 AM
What stunning cards you make!!!!! I am following you on Instagram now!!!! I hope to be as amazing and talented as you one day!!!!
Posted by: Lizz | 12/27/2017 at 10:02 AM
Such a heartfelt blog post!
also what Mark wroth as comment..SO sweet!
I feel all you say and tell...and love the words!
Amazing how this years word Brave worked out..
Truth is a word which I always loved.... if others are true..and tell the truth..me myself always want to speak the truth.. live in truth..and be true...
WOW 8 years already..so we know each other also 8 years now I think?
Happy Anniversary Wanda!
Amazing cards..LOVE them all..
Sending much LOVE your way !!
Hugs Holly.
Posted by: Holly Saveur | 12/27/2017 at 09:58 AM
I understand the tears, but more importantly after that came smiles.....YOU are amazing! You inspire many including me all the time! I hope and believe your readers know that! I know you will never let anyone diminish you in any way, ever again. For you are first! You are brave and have always been. You are a rock, a cornerstone and a pillar. You do not realize the impact you have on others. Never stop! I am blessed to have you! I love you more than ever! I can't wait to spend the New Year and eternity with you!
I love you!
Posted by: Mark | 12/27/2017 at 09:08 AM
You always make the most beautiful cards!! I know that you always give me so many ideas and inspire me in my own cardmaking!! I don't often comment, but I want to thank you for your inspiration in not only cardmaking, but also to spend more time in my walk with God. I have a hard time trying to come up with a word for the new year, and I haven't had much time to think about it, to be honest. Thank you for sharing your life with us, the good, bad, and maybe ugly. But, I want to wish you a very happy New Year!!!!!
Posted by: Jennifer Hovermale | 12/27/2017 at 08:23 AM
I am one that started reading your blog this year and was so inspired my many things. Your honesty, your creativity and your inspiration. I look forward to 2018 and may we all find the Truth in upcoming year. Loved all your cards!
Posted by: Alison Bennett | 12/27/2017 at 08:09 AM
Happy New Year Wanda! This is such a fun post and as usual inspiring both words and beautiful card review. God Bless you as you live your “Truth”. My word for 2018 is “ Purpose”.
Julie L
Posted by: Julie L | 12/27/2017 at 07:33 AM
Happy New Year! I look forward to your post and this one is no exception. I hope the New Year brings you much more success.
Posted by: Nancy | 12/27/2017 at 07:00 AM
What a wonderful post! Thank you for all of the fabulous inspiration this year..I love your work!
Here's to an AMAZING 2018!
Posted by: ~amy~ | 12/27/2017 at 05:34 AM