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WOW - Wanda, these are fabulous pictures, looks like Spring might really be coming!! Thanks for sharing!!

Wow! What beautiful pictures. How lucky to have a friend with such fun animals to visit. I love the goat selfie - so cute! I used to live in Yuba City, which wouldn't be too far from their place. Thanks for sharing a great day with us.

OMGoodness, this place is magical, indeed! What a gorgeous setting! I soooooo love California! And LOVE your goat selfie!! Thanks for sharing all your beautiful photos. You and Mark is just SO talented!

Can you imagine spending every day here.magical...truly Gods handiwork all around. So peaceful. Thanks for sharing

Fun photos! All that greenery and life. We looked at a new place to live--a ranch house with horses on three sides, like RIGHT THERE. Not all gorgeous and green like you see here, more like paddocks you see in old Westerns. We just can't do horse country like you guys can.

Love the baby goat selfie! I gotta say, that's one fat cat! Makes my bulky Poppy look downright slim.

Thank you for sharing a piece of home! Here in northern Montana we are just barely beginning to think about green, and snow is expected next week. It's nice to be reminded of the beauty of a REAL spring!

Thank you for sharing photos at BJB place.always heard about it.

Thanks for the reminder of what "green landscape" looks like! I enjoyed seeing your photos and long for that beautiful 'scene' to return here. I live in Nova Scotia and today, (the 1st day of spring, 2015), I am NOT exaggerating, there is 10' of snow on my patio! UGH! So Thank You for the beautiful pics!

The foothills are so pretty and green right now--hope we get more rain soon. Would be fun to visit the foothills around Paradise, too :-)

Hi Wanda! Love your photos! That baby goat........OMG! How did you not take him home!!!???? ADORABLLE! Love the goat sitting like cat, so cute! Have a wonderful weekend!

Truly magical!

Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful pics. It's so nice to see green! All we've seen here in NJ lately is a whole lotta white.

Great peaceful. Your farm goes with the new Newton's Nook Farm release....CUTE!

That should be NC girl (fat fingers, little keys)

Looks like a wonderful place. I could see myself pitching a tent near those magnificant trees! LOL. Thanks for sharing your get-away with this NC gurl!

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