Hi sweet bloggy friends! This post doesn't have a card or a project, but I really felt the need to reach out to everyone today... Today is my 50th birthday! Wow. There, I said it out loud. I have been in the 'freak out' stage of this for a few months now, and with the day's arrival, I guess I will have to move into 'acceptance' mode. I don't feel 50 on the inside... Sometimes my bones feel 50, but I still feel like a crazy kid most of the time. It's only a number... That's what everyone keeps telling me. But this number is totally messing with my head! Am I having a mid-life crisis? Kinda feels like it. Well, at least I didn't buy a Corvette or anything yet. Maybe just a time of gratitude, planning and assessment.
I always get very introspective around my birthday each year, but more so this time around. Something about that 5-0 number makes me realize that I have more years behind me than in front of me. More than ever, I want my life to be meaningful and productive and fun and happy and all those positive things. I want to be closer to God and I want to be a better person. More patient, less worried. More relaxed, less control-freaky. More creative, less stressed. I saw this saying on Pinterest the other day that said "you're never too old to be what you might have been" and I like that. I'm ready to see what happens next!
For the past few years I have been growing so much and changing. Lots of trials and tests have come my way and I'm still here, plugging along. There is some confidence in that, seeing your own strength, and surviving things you didn't think you could. I like that part of being, ahem, older. My faith is stronger than ever and the relationships I'm choosing to maintain are better and more rewarding. Could it be that I am finally a grown-up? The jury is still out! I try to laugh at myself more...to be still, and trust God to fight my battles for me.
The hubs and I are staying in a big beautiful house right on the ocean in Oregon for a week for my birthday present. A glorious week of waves, sand, sleeping in, laughing, reading, taking pictures, and relaxing. Just what I wanted - the perfect getaway. I brought stamping stuff, and my Copics, and loads of books, and bubble bath and good food to cook, and of course, my camera. So far it's been amazing. Visual space in front of me with no buildings, and the clean fresh air that only comes from the sea. Time to rest my brain and just be. Yay for that!
Normally I would never solicit a comment (unless I had a prize to give away). But, I would so love it if you would leave me a comment today - a word of wisdom, an old lady joke, or just a howdy, to mark this occasion with me. That would be the best present! I really and truly appreciate the fact that you all follow along with my life and my journey and I would love to hear from you on this momentous occasion! Did you freak out on any of your milestone birthdays? Any advice for me? What are your thoughts on getting older?
My blogging journey is approaching the five year mark - wow. I'm so grateful for all the love and joy and friends that have come my way because of it. THANK you for making my life happier. All. The. Time. Thank you. I share my day with you today - all the strong, amazing people that are brave enough to put themselves out there and be kind to others. What a complete blessing. Thank you.
So, you know I have some photos to share! We drove from Sacramento, CA to Waldport, OR on Saturday. We stopped a lot on the way....lunch, photos, Starbucks, photos, stretching, photos... And it took the entire day to get here. It was so much fun though! I love doing road trips with my hubs. We have the best time. So some of the photos we took along the way, and some are from here in Oregon. Hope you enjoy!
Mt. Shasta with a brand new blanket of snow....

This is along the beautiful Umpqua River as you drive from I-5 towards the ocean.... It seemed like every time we turned a corner there was an even more magnificent view. Seriously.

Welcome sign!

Gorgeous Fall colors1

This is the house we're renting. We woke up super early Sunday morning and went for a walk. This is from the beach looking back at the house. It's so wonderful! Windows everywhere.

Some of our early morning friends looking for breakfast at the beach....

Finally the sun came blazing out - but just for a minute!

We came back inside and were having our coffee and this appeared out the front window! Directly in front of us! A miracle!

This is the view from our bedroom balcony.

My husband COMPLETELY surprised me with a beautiful diamond bracelet to celebrate my milestone. He kept the entire thing a secret and even hid the bag in the car. I really had no idea and wasn't expecting anything. OMG. More tears...Joyful tears. There have been many the past couple of days. I am so blessed beyond anything I deserve.

It's supposed to rain the next couple of days so I'm not sure if I'll get more pictures or not. Good thing I brought a lot of stamping stuff and ALL my Copics with me!! I just might have to sit by the window and color. Yay! Have a great week and thank you for coming by. XOXO