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This is sooo cute and fun, Wanda!!!!! You have used such bright, happy, colors and I just love how you stamped the sentiment over the do such fabulous work, gf!!!!

I love birthday cards because you can get bold and bright and crazy with them. Those zig zag circles are really cool with this card. PAR-TEE!

Fun, fun, fun... love how you carried the candle theme over to the circle panel.

WOW!! what a great Birthday card. I love this card. It can be for age or sex!!! The colors are so vibrant and the layers say it all... Love it, Love it!!

Love this design, Wanda! So totally fun and festive and full of great detail! Loving the whole "shazam" look to this!

So super fun, Wanda! I love the pinked circles you used...reminds of an explosive birthday ;)

Love this bright beautiful card Wanda!

Now That's Awesome!! Love the pinking circles stacklets and all the fun Birthday Candles!! SUPER Design Girly! 8-)


Totally swoon worthy Wanda! I'm always on pins and needles waiting to see what awesomeness you create with the KI kits. This my dear was no exception!

This is SO fun and festive, Wanda! LOVE all of your fabulous details!

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