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GORGOEUS skies, Wanda!!! I LOVE them all!! I love how you used the sun at the bottom of the card. . .very cool layout!

You did it! Love the idea and a reason not to have to run out and find cloud patterned paper!

LOVE it! Such a perfect puffy cloudy sky, and I adore how you did the sun down at the bottom! You ROCK that cloud border die!

Fabulous sky creations, love the cute card designs. Fabulous.

I need some practice on my clouds. I will try the up and down sponging next time. Beautiful cards!

Such a sweet card..and love those skies!

Soooo Soft and Fluffy and Pretty Wanda!! Love your Awesome clouds and super how to's too! ;-) And I'm really Loving the the sunshine cutting plate and cheery sun rays against your Super Fluffy clouds! Looks Fabulous Sweet Lady! 8-)


I'm enamored with your clouds -- what a variety! Your cards are stunning, as usual. Thanks for brightening my day.

All your cards are beautiful, how you added the sun rays in the first card, the bold colored clouds with the beach silhouette in the second, and the light colored clouds with the cute little airplane is the third!!!!

So beautiful, Wanda! Love the mix of clouds you've shown, everything from soft to bold!

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