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Ooooh, mama! I love this little gable box but I really am digging your layered USA die cut! Super love this one!

I LOVE this little box! So patriotic! So cute! :)

What a great way to start your 4th of July picnic! Super the way you have decorated it...

And usually I shy away from patriotic stuff because usually it aggrandizes war, which I do not like, being a peace-nik and all (although my niece is currently deployed so we have an open minded family to say the least), so this is good, Peace is Patriotic! :)

Wanda, this is truly cute! Great little hostess gift for the 4th too! Or even favor idea! Love it!


Wowie Wanda!!! I LOVE this lady!! Sooo Super CUTE and Festive!! I Love your combo of patterned papers and super layered US die cut and GG! Such a Fabulous patriotic embellie!! Would love to show up to a 4th of July Party toting a couple of these Sweet Treat carriers!! Just Awesome!! 8-)


Ooooh, I love your treat box, Wanda!!!! I love the patriotic theme with the papers, ribbons, and awesome new stamps!!!!

wow very cool!

OH MY GOODNESS!! You make the BEST gift boxes!! I could totally see using this to take treats to a 4th of July party! (You know...that fantasy party you see in magazines....the backyard BBQ where everyone is dressed up really cute...and the food is just slightly fancy and really yummy...and there are handcrafted centerpieces? Yep. That one!)

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