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Happy Birthday! What a wonderful birthday you the beautiful pictures what great colors.

Happy Birthday, Wanda! By the looks of it, you had a splendid birthday! Good for you!!!! :)

Thanks for sharing all those lovely pictures. Leaves don't change in these parts and sometimes I miss that. It sounds like you had a fabulous birthday. Keep on celebrating!

Oh, I just knew Mark would shower you with an amazing day for your birthday, and it looks like he went above and beyond! What a perfect day, and what a beautiful adventure. I so love all your photos. Looks like you've got some amazing fall color there........maybe even better than I've been seeing here so far. :) Love your new necklace. So beautiful!Hope my card arrived on time. Huge hugs to you!

Happy B-day. Wow the photos are very beautiful!

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Wanda! Looks like you had an amazing day. That necklace is gorgeous! Wishing you all the best!

Happy Birthday Wanda! Love your photos, love the homes, so very cute! And that favorite instagram photo, awesome! Looks like you had a great day!! Thanks for sharing!

Happy belated birthday, Wanda! Sounds like you had a marvelous day with hubby & he blessed you royally! Love those autumn colors. Gorgeousness!!!
Huggies & Smiles ~

Well Happy Birthday, you had wonderful scenery, wonderful food, a fabulous gift and a great card. Wow, you did have a great day!

Great posting beautiful photos, Mr Mark certainly made a beautiful gift selection. Special day for a special lady.
(your card will b a little late )

What wonderful pictures! The colors are amazing and your photography is grrreat... Thank you for sharing your "Birthday" Day with all of us. You are spoiled, but isn't that the way it should be???

What an awesome day! A real happy birthday! Thanks for the gorgeous pictures. Autumn is what I miss about living in Northern California. I'm in Montana now, and love it, but our Autumns are very short and there are NO red or orange leaves, only gold. I saved some of your pictures, going to make a journal page to explain that to my kids, if they ever care, lol.

Happiest of birthdays to YOU!!
A Tiffany's necklace, what a lucky girl.
Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures of fall. Thanks for all the amazing inspiration all year long.
Have an amazing day.

Wow! What beautiful pictures....!!!! I just love the colors of Fall... Thanks for sharing...!!! Enjoy your day TODAY....and keep this birthday weekend going...!!! And then tomorrow - remind everyone it is still your birthday MONTH!

Happy Birthday, Wanda! Somehow I never thought of CA as having these beautiful colors, so thanks for changing that idea in my head.....gorgeous pics! Thanks so much for sharing it all with us!

happy birthday Wanda!! What fabulous pictures! Thanks so much for sharing your day!
Have a wonderful, crafty year!

Looks like you had a fabulous day! Happy belated birthday Wanda!

Happy birthday! hope you had a great one. lovely pictures on your post today!

You are blessed, Wanda! And one of those ways is a keen eye. Those are breathtaking pix! Can you breakdown one for me? As a struggling photographer, I'd ove to know the settings of one picture. Maybe I'd learn something! Anyway, Happy Birthday, young lady. And many, many more!

Hi Wanda, Happy Birthday!! and thanks for sharing your day with us with great pictures! The leaves are beautiful and truly a gift from Mother Nature to all of us. Glad that you had a great day.
Virginia P FL

Sounds like we are birthday buddies, it's my birthday on the 3rd, too. You took some lovely fall pics. I took a few before the hurricane came, but now all the leaves are down. Glad you had a great day! Barb

How very nice! Beautiful pics.

What a great post, Wanda.
Love, love, love the photos. It is so pretty where you live. Enjoy that pretty necklace and enjoy that dear husband of yours. He seems like a keeper. I can't wait to see your posts this week with te. I am sure there are some adorable new offerings.

Hi Wanda,so happy you had such an amazing day!
You so deserve it!!
Gorgeous gift Mark gave you.....
Loved all the photo's wished I could live in such a gorgeous house close to you too..never heard of the Ugly Mug cafe..such a cute name.
I have that too..with my B-day... get a little emotional and introspective ...also with Xmas I feel this way.....maybe a womens thing(my mother feels this way too)?

So glad you had an awesome day with your super wonderful boyfriend :) hee hee.. LOVE the pix.. thanks for sharing your amazing talents with us! Hugs!

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