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Watched most of the Opening Ceremony last night (we skipped the parade of nations and watched the fireworks at the end). There were a few head-scratching moments: the giant baby (a bit creepy) at the end of the children’s literature section, the Queen and Daniel Craig spoof, and Hey Jude as a finale (couldn’t they select a more appropriate song?). We did enjoy the Chariots of Fire sequence with Mr. Bean.

Wow, what a nice card, I really like it!

Wow, Wanda! What a fantastic card!!!! I love all the details you put into are a gold medal winner when it comes to card making! Thank you SO much for sharing that...back to the opening ceremonies...

Oh, my aching bacon!!! This card is just too fabulous, Wanda! Love this image and it is colored up beautifully! The banners are a terrific accent! Have a happy, happy weekend, my friend! :D

I am very lucky as I live just outside London and have tickets for 8 August to see Athletics, 3 rows from the front too (am disabled and cannot climb stairs)am watching the build up as I type, its going to be great..... love your card Wanda..... am hoping to be able to come over to San Francisco in Sept so will be bugging you for craft shop recommendations..... Hope you all enjoy the show tonight and Mr Buddy does too, my 3 are all asleep in the coonservatory not interested at all, just dreaming about meeces I expect LOL... x

OMGoodness, how stinkin' cute, Wanda!! LOVE that little image, and you know I love that little hedgie in the back seat. ;) Such an adorable design, too. The map paper you printed is just perfect. Love the glittery banners, and your coloring is just uh-mazing!

WHAT A FANTASTIC CARD! Way to go, Wanda...

Love this!!!!! So adorable. Made me smile it did. :). Needed that today.

OMG! this is to die for - love it - Dave is a HUGE Olympics fan and he is set for the next three weeks - we had the pleasure to see the Olympics in 1996 and that was the best - thank you for sharing this card! LOVE IT! Go USA!

London is one of my favorite cities. I love PB's line of London's iconic places (the "wheel" etc.). Watched Will and Kate at the torch ceremony yesterday--the weather is finally cooperating!

Way to CUTE ! Wanda. Thanks for sharing. . . I love the little animals in the car.

Oh my word Wanda, this is just about the cutest thing. Love it. I hope you get to London sometime! My brother-in-law is from London so my sister, my niece (10 years old) and my brother in law are all heading over there next week. They have tickets to the women's soccer semi-finals and finals and they'll try to get tickets to other events while there. I'm soooo envious but so happy for them. I'll be watching the opening ceremonies also tonight. Go Team USA.

Absolutely love the card especially the way you incorporated red, white and blue in the banner! Go Team USA and Go Wanda!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Cute are an Olympic cardmaker!

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