Hi everyone! Hope your weekend is off to a great start! I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get organized and packed for my trip that starts Monday. You know how it is...laundry, organizing, trying to remember 500 cords to everything...ugh. I've got it down to a science pretty much but it still is a hassle...no matter how you slice it. Mark is making a video and Buddy is, what else, sleeping...
I was going to wait until July 1st to change my blog banner over...but I really wanted to do it today! I'm feeling in a patriotic mood, what with my impending trip back east to the colonies, and it being so close to 4th of July. The banner photo is a picture I took on our honeymoon, almost ten years ago. This was a building in Nantucket covered in flags. It really gives that east coast patriotic vibe... Of course, the picture was taken on FILM! What's that? Good thing for scanners!
I don't have a card to share today but I have some (more) pictures to share of my prized hydrangeas! I hope you're not tired of them?! They are GINORMOUS now! I nursed these from baby plants about five years ago. All the wet weather we had made them very happy! I put in a shot of our garage so you get the context! And, yes, that is a full size flag!
This is my favorite color on earth...only God could do this...
Now this picture is of some Camellia leaves. The way the light was hitting the leaves made me stop and look. I thought it would be a good image to help with my Copic coloring of leaves?? It's very interesting if you study the play of the light and dark...and then there's the dark leaves in the background too. All the leaves appear to be one color, but when you look closer you see so much more.
Oh my, Wanda! What GORGEOUS photographs! Your flowers are so beautiful and those colors are amazing! Have a wonderful trip! :D
Posted by: Kimberly Gajewski | 06/20/2011 at 06:48 PM
Beautiful pictures. Your flowers are lovely.
Posted by: Maureen | 06/20/2011 at 05:59 PM
This is my first post on your blog :) My next door neighbor who has the "perfect" garden has hydrangea's and hers look like premature babies compared to yours! Impressive! My neighbor would be jealous.
Posted by: Amy Parsons | 06/20/2011 at 03:58 PM
Beautiful Blooms x x
Posted by: Judith | 06/20/2011 at 02:18 PM
I meant You're
Posted by: Fonda Jo | 06/19/2011 at 07:58 AM
Hydrangeas are my favorite flowers! Your correct, your's are HUGE!!! and BEAUTIFUL!!!
Thank you for sharing them and have a safe and wonderful trip (even if it is for work)he-he
Posted by: Fonda Jo | 06/19/2011 at 07:57 AM
Gorgeous photo's and banner Wanda!
When is the exact date for your 10 years anniversary?( Looked but can't find it on your blog..around November/December I thought???)
Posted by: Holly Saveur | 06/19/2011 at 06:44 AM
I love your new blog banner. I also love the blue hydrangea's. You are right, God is the BEST artist ever. Stunning.
Posted by: Linda Monroe | 06/19/2011 at 04:49 AM
Love your new blog look and your hydrangeas are wonderful - thanks so much for sharing them!
Posted by: Lin | 06/18/2011 at 05:33 PM
Gorgeous pictures! You captured the mood along with the colors! Your flowers are beautiful. Have a safe trip. LC
Posted by: Linda C | 06/18/2011 at 05:18 PM
The new banner is da bomb! I remember many patriotic shots you took! Great pictures as usual!
Posted by: Mark | 06/18/2011 at 04:29 PM