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Oh my, Wanda! What GORGEOUS photographs! Your flowers are so beautiful and those colors are amazing! Have a wonderful trip! :D

Beautiful pictures. Your flowers are lovely.

This is my first post on your blog :) My next door neighbor who has the "perfect" garden has hydrangea's and hers look like premature babies compared to yours! Impressive! My neighbor would be jealous.

Beautiful Blooms x x

I meant You're

Hydrangeas are my favorite flowers! Your correct, your's are HUGE!!! and BEAUTIFUL!!!
Thank you for sharing them and have a safe and wonderful trip (even if it is for work)he-he

Gorgeous photo's and banner Wanda!
When is the exact date for your 10 years anniversary?( Looked but can't find it on your blog..around November/December I thought???)

I love your new blog banner. I also love the blue hydrangea's. You are right, God is the BEST artist ever. Stunning.

Love your new blog look and your hydrangeas are wonderful - thanks so much for sharing them!

Gorgeous pictures! You captured the mood along with the colors! Your flowers are beautiful. Have a safe trip. LC

The new banner is da bomb! I remember many patriotic shots you took! Great pictures as usual!

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