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Hey there, Wanda!! I'm finally caught up on all your wonderful blog posts this morning! Sorry I've let so many slip by in these past days. I can't believe how fast the days are zooming by, and I'm still not back to my regular schedule from the holidays yet. My dad left on Wednesday, but mom is still here visiting with me, and that's keeping me hopping. I am absolutely in love with all your photographs!! You are amazing! You should be a professional. Your photos should be in a book, my friend! I wish my photos were just a fraction as good. Thank you so much for sharing these lovely views! :)

And, of course, I start with the wrong blog address... it must be too early, yet.

Beautiful series. Definately a blessed place to behold. I especially love the mushroom cropped emphasis. WOW. Blessings and peace to you in 2011.

These are gorgeous!!!


Hey Wanda,

Man, I haven't been here in forever. Your photos are absolutely AMAZING! I wanted to stop by and let you know I left you an award on my blog today. Thanks for reaching out to me when I first started blogging.


WOW, girl! Your photography is amazing! I LOVE each and every photo! You need to frame these masterepieces. Seriously! I am once again blown away by your talent.

Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best in 2011, my friend! HUGS!

Awesome photographs! I especially like the mushrooms...our son is studying mycology. In March he is going to Australia for field experience in gathering specimens for his research. We bought him 'leech socks' for Christmas since where he is going has lots of leeches...UGH! Happy New Year! Linda C

Great photography! I enjoyed peeking at them! Blessings in 2011

Happy New Year Sistah!!! I love all the pics you took on your outing...just fab.u.lous!

Hi Wanda
I am so happy too you started your blog.
Other wise I would not have been able to meet
you and enjoy your friendship and beautiful creations.
Big Hugs Holly.

Beautiful pictures Wanda! Thanks for sharing them with us!

Wow Wanda your pictures are incredible!!! Thank you for share these wonderful pictures with all of us!

These pictures are glorious and remind me how lucky I am to have been born in this beautiful country. Thank you for this soft reminder. Best wish for a grand 2011.

beautiful pictures, you have a real talent for capturing a feeling! can't wait to see what you have in store for 2011! :)

Really incredible pictures, you do have a great eye for detail and color. We were in Carmel yesterday, and saw an awesome sunset. But I did not have my camera!
I love to read your blog!

These are wonderful, Wanda! You captured so many different moods! You're a fantastic photographer! Happy New Year to you and looking forward to much more of your inspiration!

Thanks for sharing your blog with everyone this year! You are so talented! And thanks for going on the road trip on my Birthday....that was a blast! I still want to take you up on the offer and be a guest blogger! It seems fun! For the other followers...I am truly the lucky one...those food blogs are the best!! have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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