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Hi Wanda happy to hear you had such a great week.
Great card the penguins look so cute!

OMG...those penguins really are cute! I love the 3 color combos festive! Those pom pom hats are out of control. Glad to hear your birthday week was spectacular! Had a blast hanging out with you yesterday!

Oh, this is SO sweet, Wanda! I just adore that penguin stamp. My son loves penguins, so I'm always drawn to them when I see them. Sometimes, we even call him Penguin Pete. ;)
Love the pom poms on the hats and love the snowflakes in the background. I have that old SU set, too. Just recently used the snowflakes myself. Feels good to dig into the archives every once in awhile.
I'm so glad that you've had a fabulous birthday week. Sounds like you've been taken good care of, and I'm happy to hear that. :)

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