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OMG, Wanda! We are truly kindred spirits! I LOVE Pottery Barn! My poor hubby almost breaks into a cold sweat whenever I talk about 'needing' to go to PB. LOL! And this hot weather is killing me! I am sooooo ready for the cooler weather fall will eventually bring. Have a wonderful week, Wanda :)

Hey! Ditto on the photos. They are MAH-velous! And yes, time for hot cider, cocoa, toddy... :)

Oh me too! I love Pottery Barn! We are definitely wearing sweaters here in Copenhagen. I think we had all of one week of summer here! LOL!

Hey you . . .these are gorgeous!! Haven't been to the mall in ages, but now I don't have to go, 'cuz you captured the season!! Pretty sure Donna B. would come live WITH you at least in the Fall!!!

Beautiful photography, especially the silver pumpkins.


Hi Wanda! I just had to pop over and thank you so much for the sweet comment you left on my blog recently. You so made my day! And what a gorgeous blog you have! You got me immediately with that fabulous header. What a gorgeous photo that is. I am such a HUGE fan of fall and all things Halloween. And oh, my gosh......can I go live at Pottery Barn with you? I LOVE that place. I've been trying to avoid it, because I can inflict some serious damage to my pocketbook there at this time of the year. So I hadn't seen it's fall gorgeousness yet. sigh.......
I want one of those mercury glass pumpkins, too.

Lovely pictures Wanda.
The glass pumpkin is gorgeous!
Please send the hot weather to me and I send the cold one to you,so you can build a fire and wear a sweater.
(I am wearing my wool under wear and socks already)

Yep, I'm in the same boat sistah...Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel, and Restoration Hardware...seriously!

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